Earth Matters wins Best Sustainable Climate Change Network award!

Earth Matters Consulting wins MEA Markets Business Award for Best Sustainable Climate Change Network 2021.

Earth Matters is proud to announce that we have won the Best Sustainable Climate Change Network award this year in the MEA Markets Business Awards. What a great way to end an exciting year of developments in tackling the climate change crisis.  

This year has been phenomenal for the Earth Matters Team; we have grown our team into a strong collaboration able to manage diverse environmental projects, and have been involved in a number of innovative projects.


The Earth Matters Team


Earth Matters has been fortunate enough to work on a wide range of high profile environmental projects in the MENA region and GCC, and further afield, including the amazing Abu Dhabi Mangrove project using drone technology to sow mangrove seeds, and supporting H.E Razan Al Mubarak’s successful election campaign to become President of the IUCN. We’ve also made strong partnerships throughout the year, with Engie, the EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network and PwC Middle-East to name but a few.

This award is a great recognition of all that has been achieved, and we would like to thank our clients and partners for the great opportunities we have been given.

You can find us listed on the MEA Markets Business Award website here:


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